A Personal Injury Lawyer In Detroit For Injuries Due To Product Malfunction

If you received injuries due to a product malfunction, a personal injury lawyer in Detroit can assist you in getting a settlement for the difficulties you have endured.

A Personal Injury Lawyer

Product Liability

Product liability occurs when a product does not function as promised or as expected. Product liability may involve defects in products of pharmaceutical companies such as antibiotics, defects in products of medical equipment companies, faulty instructions, defects in marketing, defects in containers of food and defects in labels on food. Product liability may also involve products such as food, automotive products, cosmetics, apparel, tobacco, alcohol and firearms.

Generally, product liability encompasses three major classes: defects in design, defects in manufacturing and inability to provide warnings.

Defects in Design

Defects in design are imperfections that make the product integrally not safe to the consumer when the consumer has a sensible belief that it is not hazardous to use the product. Usually, it is not just one object that has a defect in design but rather all objects in the product line will have defects in design.

A Personal Injury Lawyer

Defects in Manufacturing

A defect in manufacturing happens when an error was made somewhere between the factory and the location where the product was sold or at the factory itself. It is possible only one item may have a defect in manufacturing. It is also possible that a whole batch of items may have defects in manufacturing.

Inability to Provide Warnings

A party is liable if they do not provide warnings on the proper use of their product or on the hazards to avoid while using their product. This class of product liability also encompasses defects in the techniques of marketing the product.


A Personal Injury Lawyer

Compensation encompasses two classes. The first class of compensation is monetary damages. The purpose of monetary damages is to put the consumer back into the situation that they were in before they used the product and acquired injuries due to the use of the product. The judge determines a financial amount to be given to the victim of a product defect in order to assist them regain any financial expenses they may have incurred. This may include expenses due to medical treatment of injuries.

The second class of compensation is punitive damages. Punitive damages is a method of punishment given to the offending party to discourage any perils to the public in the future.

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